The Chaos in South Sudan Keeps Getting Worse

At an orphanage at the edge of Juba, South Sudan’s battered capital, there are no longer any children. The orphanage, which is run by an Austrian Non-Governmental Organization, had to move to a more secure part of town after fighting broke out nearby in July. It is now considering moving back—but only if the security lasts, a tough call in a country plagued by economic crisis and dire warnings of genocide.

The fighting in July was between the forces of Salva Kiir, the president, and Riek Machar, the former vice-president, after a peace deal broke down. Since then the city has returned to an uneasy calm, but the rest of South Sudan has not. A war that had previously been concentrated in the swampy north of the country has spread to southern areas, which had been peaceful. Worse, the fighting has provoked violence between ethnic groups.

While many other organizations are fleeing the area due to violence, the Sudan Relief Fund is committed to staying to help young victims that have no family to turn to, and nowhere else to go. The two orphanages funded by the Sudan Relief Fund, The Congregation of Christian Brothers’ Star Support Group and The Saint Bakhita Orphanage, support children in South Sudan-Yambio by providing food, health and medical services, school fees, and basic daily necessities.

With a kind donation, the Sudan Relief Fund will be able to address their important daily needs and help empower the next generation in South Sudan.

Click here to donate and support the orphans of South Sudan.

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