Sister Orla Treacy of Loreto Rumbek Recognized by Ireland’s Ambassador to the Holy See
Ireland’s Ambassador to the Holy See paid tribute this past St. Patrick’s Day to the legacy of Irish missionaries who have historically served around the world and continue to do so today, highlighting among them the work of Sister Orla Treacy and her service to the children and community members of Loreto Rumbek, South Sudan.
Sister Orla Treacy is the principal of the Loreto Rumbek schools, which include a coed primary school and a secondary school for girls, as well as a clinic that provides a variety of vital health services to the students and community. Her work in the past 15 years has saved untold malnourished children, brought education to thousands of South Sudanese youth, and made significant strides in rescuing young girls from the perils of forced child marriage, allowing girls age 12 and older to complete their education and gain opportune life skills.
Sister Orla says she sees her role as one striving to “empower the people of South Sudan so they can be the leaders of their own destiny and their own country.” Sudan Relief Fund partners with Sister Orla and supports all of these programs which are made possible by the compassionate gifts of donors.