How the South Sudanese bishops are working to promote peace
According to the president of the Sudanese Bishops’ Conference, in order to achieve peace in South Sudan, patience and humility must be shown by both its leaders. The conference’s president Bishop Kussala recently spoke with the Catholic News Agency about the current situation in Sudan and what local bishops have been doing to promote peace in the area. “We have tried to keep the momentum, to continue to work harder and make sure peace is actually in this country…. It has again energized us to serve the leaders and the people,” said Kussala.
Kussala says the two sides will have to work through years of mistrust and violence. He believes there is no quick fix to peace and it will take a great amount of time to progress fully. Even in the midst of this bleak situation, Kussala and the Diocese of Tombura-Yambio have hosted peace retreats for around 10,000 young fighters who have been involved in the country’s violence. Their hope is to prepare the communities for reconciliation and forgiveness.