Monica Anthony
“My Dream is to be in School”
Saving Lives and Little Girl’s Dreams
When Monica Anthony was just eight years old, her world was turned upside down. After her father died, it seemed that everything in her world was falling apart.
In rural South Sudan, job opportunity for women is dismal. Without a father to provide for the household, a family can be thrust into the trappings of poverty, homelessness, hunger – a frightful downward spiral.
If children get sick, there’s no money for medicine. If the crops don’t grow, there’s no means to purchase food. School tuition is an impossible dream. Children become victims to the cycle of poverty, with no education to provide hope for their future.
Monica was a bright student who enjoyed school. Now it seemed that her dream of graduating was out of reach, her entire future changed.
As Monica’s mother struggled to provide for her children, something happened that felt like a miracle to her family. An organization called Star Support Group (SSG) brought life changing help.
Through the generosity of our donors, Sudan Relief Fund partners with Star Support Group (SSG) to intervene at the root cause of a family’s distress. SSG seeks to provide meaningful solutions for a sustainable long-term future, so people served are empowered to become self-sufficient.
SSG provides skills training to help widows find employment. The organization rescues families from malnourishment with a nutrition program and agricultural assistance, until the family is on their feet. SSG offers microfinance loans to help launch small businesses, along with training in basic finance and management.
What’s more, Star Support Group recognizes how crucial it is for children to go to school to break the cycle of poverty. An important part of their program is providing scholarships for school tuition, to allow at-risk children the vital gift of education.
After Star Support Group came into their lives, everything changed. Monica is in fifth grade now, and her younger sister, Josephine, is in third, because of a scholarship received from Star Support Group for their tuition.
Monica’s mother works as a tailor, using the training and equipment she received from SSG. Monica’s family even lives in their own house built by Star Support Group so the family wouldn’t be homeless. It turned out to be that miracle it felt like after all.
Monica says, “I want to thank Star Support Group for letting my younger sister and me be in school. And for the support they have given to my mother by enrolling her in tailoring class, and eventually giving her the sewing machine, which she uses to generate a small income for our family’s basic needs.”
Every child should have a roof over their head, enough food to eat, and the chance to go to school to pursue their dreams. Thanks to your support, Monica and her little sister are no longer hungry, homeless, or without hope for their future.
Without the assistance of Star Support Group and your partnership, their life would look very different today.
These stories of Lives Saved are made possible by your support of Sudan Relief Fund. Thank you for transforming lives and bringing hope to dark places.
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