Making Childbirth Safer
Nimad’s path to motherhood has been a difficult one, marred with more heartache and loss than any mother should endure. Sadly this is not uncommon for women in South Sudan, where the record of maternal and infant mortality ranks the worst in the entire world. But facilities like Mother of Mercy Hospital in Gidel are making meaningful progress to change that outcome for women and children.
Nimad’s case fell tragically into those statistics. She is 34 and married to a farmer. Over the years Nimad has given birth to many children, only one of which – her first one – survived.
She recounts how her pregnancies always seemed to be fine and progressed without incident. Then suddenly she would lose the babies just before, during, or shortly after delivery. It’s difficult to imagine the heartache of a mother going through that experience time and again.
But this time would be different. Nimad had the opportunity to be seen at Mother of Mercy Hospital, where due to her history, it was strongly recommended she undergo a caesarean section birth for both the safety of Nimad and her unborn child.
Nimad underwent the c-section surgery successfully. This time the occasion was marked with joy, as she happily delivered her child well and healthy. Nimad was more than delighted to hold her new baby girl in her arms, whom she named Vivian.
“I am so grateful to God for giving me this gift,” said Nimad, when asked how she felt after the successful arrival of her baby girl, “and to Dr. Tom and his team for the surgery which saved my daughter’s life. And to the donors who supply these services and medicines. May the good Lord bless you so much.”
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