Fatima is approximately 50 years old, and as you see by her radiant smile, she is extremely happy these days, delighted to no longer be suffering from the frightening symptoms that were debilitating her life.
It began one day when she started experiencing intense headaches. Soon the headaches came more and more often, until Fatima could do nothing under the intensity of the pain. She found her way to a local clinic and received some medicine, which unfortunately helped for only a short period of time.
When the headaches returned, they were worse than before. A local pharmacist suspected she had malaria. Fatima received some tablets, but it was not enough to alleviate her pain. Her symptoms continued to worsen and her condition deteriorated. Soon her body was shivering and stiffening, and Fatima would often scream out loud in pain.
She was taken to a local hospital, where the staff referred her to the Mother of Mercy Hospital in Gidel. Run by missionary doctor, Tom Catena, and supported by Sudan Relief Fund, the hospital treats patients who need care that goes beyond what their local facilities can provide. It is the only hospital of its kind for hundreds of miles and has saved countless lives.
In addition to the previous malaria diagnosis, Fatima learned she was also suffering from dangerously high blood pressure and intensive stress. At Mother of Mercy Hospital, she received a full diagnosis and a combination of medications to treat her complete condition. Within a few days, she experienced welcome relief from her terrifying and incapacitating symptoms. She recovered well and was released to return home.
Here Fatima is pictured with her daughter, who is thrilled to have her mother back. “I cannot hide my joy upon seeing my mum’s full recovery,” she said. “If this hospital wasn’t here, my mother could have died. I want to thank all those who keep the doors of this hospital open. Thank you for helping in the healing of my mother. God bless you.”
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