Have you ever wanted to do more to help people in need but wondered, what can I do? Would you like to start a fundraising initiative at your church to help orphans and people who are suffering? Are you a pastor, or would you be willing to share this idea with your pastor? If so, keep reading below.

“When you did it for the least of these, you did it unto Me …” – Matthew 25:40


Years of violence have displaced hundreds of thousands of people in South Sudan, the world’s youngest nation in northeastern Africa. For 22 years, a brutal civil war raged between the predominantly Muslim north supporting sharia law, and rebels from the south where people are mostly Christian or follow more traditional religions. While independence for South Sudan was achieved in 2011, ongoing violence continues from within the new country with its more than 60 divided tribes and ethnic groups. 

Women and children are caught in the crossfire. More than 60 percent of the two million people displaced are orphans. Years of war have decimated this country’s infrastructure. They lack food, clean water, and basic services. Eighty-two percent of people eke out an existence below the poverty level. With a dire lack of healthcare, the mother/infant mortality rate is the worst in the world. Seventy percent of children are not in school. An estimated six million people face crisis-level food insecurity and need urgent assistance. 

But Sudan Relief Fund is fighting to make a difference in the lives of these victims. We are making very real progress in some of the most difficult circumstances imaginable. You can help save lives and bring hope.


The Sudan Relief Fund is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization established in 1988 to bring food, clothing, shelter, clean water, medical help, education, and hope to the people of South Sudan. 


With the help of donors and partners around the world, here are the types of projects we have funded:

* Hospitals * Emergency Medicine and Relief Supplies

* Orphanages * Clean Water Systems

* Schools * Agricultural Initiatives

* Churches * Trauma Rehabilitation

Slowly, we are transforming lives in South Sudan. But the need is ongoing and great.


The Sudan Relief Fund is a non-profit entirely supported by generous donations. We’ve made it easy to help. Print out the PDF below and share it with your pastor, church, or faith group. Order the brochure with return envelopes to host a fundraiser. Send an email to your pastor to share this story and see if your church can help.

Will you be part of the solution? Ways you or your church can help:

  • Send the email to your pastor about the Sudan Relief Fund. [info@sudanreliefund.com]
  • Sponsor a monthly giving amount. [Link to Donor Page]
  • Virtually adopt an orphanage. [Link to More Information]
  • Take up a collection to help orphans and widows in South Sudan. [PDF & Brochure Link] 
  • Share brochures about Sudan Relief Fund in your church lobby. [Brochure Link]
  • Share the PDF and brochure in your small groups or youth groups and hold a fundraiser. [PDF or Brochure Link]
  • Join our weekly prayer group. [http://staging.sdnrlf.com/prayer-group/]

Just $1 a day will feed an orphan in South Sudan. $1,000 will feed a thousand children!


Are you a pastor? You can host a fundraiser and help save many desperate lives in South Sudan with these prepared materials. You can take up a general collection or simply pass out donation brochures. Please take a look.

Donations of $10,000 or more are recognized on the Sudan Relief Fund website, so other groups can see what you’re doing and be encouraged to help. For certain initiatives, naming opportunities are available, where you will see your work come to fruition as lives are impacted by your support. [PDF & Brochure Link here] For naming opportunities of over $10,000, please contact Brendan Gotta. [link to his page and contact info]

There are so many simple ways to make a difference – and so many lives that will be impacted. Please take one of these easy steps today and prayerfully consider helping those who are struggling right now in dire circumstances.

“Pure and undefiled religion is this … to visit widows and orphans in their affliction…” 

– James 1:27

[Once more Link to PDF]
[Once more Link to Brochure]
[Once more Link of Email to Pastor]