Reinstate the Sudan Petitions
Please Sign Our Petition:
Reinstate Sanctions on Sudan to End the Violence
The Sudan region is one of the deadliest places in the world. The United States began instituting the first in a series of comprehensive economic and trade sanctions against Sudan 20 years ago as a result of war crimes and genocide.

In 2011, South Sudan became the world’s newest country after seceding from Sudan in a referendum effort to end the second Sudanese Civil War. Unfortunately, independence was not granted to the much-contested oil-rich lands in the Nuba Mountains and the onslaught of violence has not only continued but worsened in this region. The unrelenting conflict has forced families with the decisionof abandoning their homes or being killed. Since 2011, tens of thousands of refugees have been displaced from their homes.
The Obama Administration—during its last week in office—temporarily lifted economic and trade sanctions against Sudan in return for cessation of violence and compliance with specific conditions.
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The US State Department highlighted 5 key areas that the Sudan government must achieve progress in to justify the lifting of economic sanctions:
- Ceasing hostilities in Darfur, South Nuba Mountains, and Blue Nile State
- Improving Humanitarian Access
- Ending negative interference in South Sudan
- Enhancing cooperation on counterterrorism with the US and Allies
- Addressing the threat of the Lord’s Resistance Army
The people of the Nuba Mountains continue to suffer as the government of Sudan (Khartoum) refuses to comply with their agreement with the United States in exchange for lifting economic sanctions. Economic sanctions must be reinstated against Sudan for failing to end violence against these innocent people.
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The Sudan Relief Fund (SRF) is a non-profit charity that has been helping the poor and the defenseless in the region since 1999.
“The government of Sudan continues to flagrantly defy the stipulations agreed upon with the United States as conditions to lifting economic sanctions. The only hope for progress toward a better future for the region would be the reinstatement of sanctions.”
Neil Corkery
President of the Board of Directors of Sudan Relief Fund
SRF and its partners on the ground have evidence proving that the Sudan government in Khartorum is continually in violation of the stipulations laid out to lift the economic sanctions. Through continued airstrikes on villages and farms, blocking humanitarian aid, and in effectively ignoring prospects for peace in the region Sudan is failing the test time after time.
On July 12th, the Trump Administration elected to delay the decision 90 days on whether or not to permanently lift the economic sanctions that were placed on Sudan.
We don’t have much time.
Adding your signature to this petition is vital to impressing upon the United States government the critical importance of comprehensive economic sanctions is a crucial component of a plan for peace.
President Trump and the United States Department of State:
Sudan has betrayed the trust of the United States and continues to provoke violence in the region and we believe all economic and trade sanctions should be reinstated.
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