Help Provide Emergency Medical Supplies To St. Theresa’s Hospital in Nzara
Located in the town of Nzara is St. Theresa’s Hospital. It stands as a lifesaving beacon here — the one and only facility of its kind able to provide critical level medical care for some 250,000 people in Nzara and the surrounding region who depend on it. But at this moment, St. Theresa’s is depending on critical help from us to continue doing their vital work in this community.
St. Theresa’s Hospital serves over 20,000 patients annually – men, women, and children who come through these doors seeking care they cannot receive elsewhere through both the hospitals’ inpatient and outpatient services. It is not unusual for people to travel many hours by vehicle to get here, if indeed they can arrange that, since transportation can be virtually impossible to come by in this part of the world. The fortunate ones who manage to arrange a truck or other form of transport will endure arduous trips to get loved ones to this facility, in hopes of receiving critically needed treatment in a nation where even basic healthcare can seldom be found.
The St. Theresa’s Hospital is administered by a religious order of nuns called the Comboni Sisters in the diocese of Tombura Yambio, run by a small but dedicated staff operating non-stop to serve the overwhelming needs of these people. To further lifesaving relief efforts, we partner with CMMB (Catholic Medical Mission Board).
Our organization has long been a strong supporter of St. Theresa’s Hospital, and over the years the generous and faithful support of our donors has made it possible to construct several new critically needed additions here, such as a maternity ward, an operating theater, and a blood bank. Things you would assume a hospital would have, but that cannot be assumed in a place like Nzara. These advancements have done much to enhance lifesaving efforts and deliver more effective care to the people here who are in such desperate need of it.

Hospital staff joins in prayer before treating patients.
Also of great encouragement, additions like the maternity ward will help St. Theresa’s Hospital significantly reduce the infant mortality rate in this region – an accomplishment that is even more extraordinary when considering this country historically ranks highest in mother and infant mortalities out of all nations in the world.
However, even amidst tremendous progress, the hospital currently finds itself in a shortfall of supplies that are essential to keeping its doors open and serving this very underserved community. With many of the illnesses common to the region, it is crucial there is no interruption of medication during a patient’s treatment. Unfortunately, this proves difficult if the hospital faces supply shortages or other challenges that plague the region, such as delays in medicines being transported across many borders to get to the facility.
With additional funding, St. Theresa’s aims to stock higher inventories of vital medicines and medical supplies to meet a higher than anticipated demand, and to have sufficient provisions to continue operating now through the end of the year. Your gifts will fill vital operational needs.
Right now there are simply not enough resources to serve the patients coming for help, unless intervention can be provided to carry the hospital through this deficit. Please help us keep St. Theresa’s doors open, so this lone facility can continue making the lifesaving difference it provides every day for people who come here as their only hope. Can you imagine having to turn them away?
PS – Please send an emergency gift for St. Theresa’s Hospital to carry them through their immediate shortage. Hospital staff in need of supplies do not have time to wait to treat the ill and the critical. Lives are literally in the balance. Please give a lifesaving gift today, or consider giving monthly to help save lives every day. No patients who come for help should have to be turned away.