Future Priests of Peace

These Seminarians Want to Be Priests of Peace

Conflict is an ever present challenge facing my people here in South Sudan. Thankfully our Catholic faith is a continuing source of hope; but, our message needs to be heard by more of our people. I truly believe Jesus’ message of peace will help heal our wounds.

Our priests are the primary messengers of the Word of God and have already been pivotal in bringing love and conflict resolution to the region. Because of this, the education of future priests in our seminaries is essential for our peace-building plans. By providing them good quality education, seminarians will be better prepared to serve our communities in their calling as priestly and civic leaders.

We need your help to equip the next generation of these faith leaders with the knowledge, skills, and spiritual depth to bring reconciliation to our country.

“Jesus Christ, the Word made flesh, lights our way to the future and enables us joyfully to advance along that way on wings of hope.” – Pope Francis

Through the gifts of generous donors like you, we are currently funding two major seminaries and two minor seminaries. The major seminaries are the John Paull II Seminary in Yambio and the St Paul’s Major Seminary in Juba which reopened in 2014.

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We are blessed to have many young men called to the priesthood. They want to dedicate their lives to the service of the people in the name of Jesus. This past year was a very good year in our minor seminaries. Students have been industrious, hardworking and deeply committed to their studies. Good training is so crucial because we have to prepare them to go into parishes, some of which are in war zones where people are dying, starving, orphaned, and displaced. There are exceptional demands and expectations for our priests.

The Sudan Relief Fund has been kind enough to help provide our seminaries with generators, batteries for the solar system, access to life-saving food, boreholes for water, an improved security system, school supplies, and most importantly, scholarships for students. In my own vocation as a priest, I often reflect on how the past generosity of others helped me on my journey to become a bishop. Your generous gift today will help to bolster the Catholic faith for generations to come and may even be providing an education for a future bishop.

Although progress is being made, the future of our seminaries lies in your hands. Many of our students still don’t have the money to pay for tuition or even simple things like notebooks, pens, or even a Bible. I fear many will not pursue their calling simply because we can’t afford the costs for their education.

These seminarians will help us create a more peaceful society and bring about reconciliation and healing, but only with your support! The Sudan Relief Fund is our most efficient partner for applying your donations directly to the seminary education of our young country. Please help support our seminaries so we can continue to sow the seeds of faith to help end the conflict and destruction.

Bishop Eduardo Hiiboro Kussala

Yours in Christ,

Bishop Eduardo Hiiboro Kussala Diocese of Tombura-Yambio, South Sudan

p.s. Below is a kind note that was sent in December from Fr. Charles that I wanted to share with you. He is from the Lobonok parish 30 miles from the city of Rejaf.

“I am wishing the donors to the Sudan Relief Fund that this Christmas may end the present year on a cheerful note and make way for a fresh and bright new year. Though we celebrated this feast with tears, I believe that Faith makes all things possible, Hope makes all things work, Love makes all things beautiful. May you have all the three for this Christmas. May Jesus, the prince of peace, bless us with quietness of mind and tranquility. Teach us to be patient and always to be kind. As we are entering new year, may God continue blessing, protecting and guiding us. May this new year be a peaceful year where we end the suffering of our people and respect the image of our creator.” - Fr. Charles