Flooding at Mother of Mercy Hospital
I write to you today with an emergency request. The headlines have been filled with heart-breaking news of natural disasters and the many families who are suffering. Our hearts go out to the victims and we offer prayers to our Patron, St. Bakhita, to watch over them in this time of struggle. Watching the devastation can make one feel so helpless. But it is heartening to see the world come together to help and provide generous support in such times of great need.
We have received devastating reports from the region of unprecedented rainfall leading to historic flooding at the Mother of Mercy hospital. We prepare every year for the rainy season in South Sudan, and the added complications that come with it, but rarely do the mountains receive such a deluge. The flood waters have destroyed more than half of the medical supplies and medicine stored in the hospital. We are working quickly to assemble a team to travel to South Sudan in October to replenish the medical supplies and medicine they have lost.
But we need your help.
It is through the bravery of physicians like Dr. Tom Catena that the Nuba people are able to receive medical care. But he cannot do his good work without your help, which is vital to sustaining Mother of Mercy Hospital. Dr. Catena remains the only doctor serving a community of 750,000 people located in a remote war zone. In the best of times, he needs enormous amounts of support and help; but with the catastrophic flooding added to the mix, the situation is truly dire.
Let’s stand in solidarity with the Nubians and let them know they are not forgotten. Let’s stand shoulder to shoulder with Dr. Catena and make sure Mother of Mercy Hospital can continue its incredible work serving up to 400 patients daily. It is an enormous task and cannot be accomplished without your help.
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Every dollar you donate means more life-saving medicine we can deliver.