How Covid Has Created a Food Shortage in South Sudan
For the past several months, the Covid-19 pandemic has been impacting the world, leaving behind a wake of death, economic turmoil, and hopelessness. What many people do not realize is that Covid is also taking a significant toll on food reserves, and many regions are expecting massive waves of hunger soon, especially South Sudan.
Starving children waiting for food relief in Juba.
Juba, the capital of South Sudan, has been in the center of violence for many years due to an ongoing civil war. Due to the fighting, people have been fleeing their homes in the country to take refuge in camps inside of the city for safety. Unable to access their fields or farms, many of these refugees have become dependent on food given to them by relief agencies.
Because of growing food scarcity, South Sudan’s food prices are skyrocketing, making it difficult for a majority of citizens to afford even the most basic meals. Heavy rainfall in 2019 added to the food shortage by flooding and destroying crops and killing much livestock. By the start of 2020, more than six million people were in a status of food insecurity, meaning they couldn’t get their necessary daily nutritional requirements.
Ever since the onset of Covid-19’s spread, food has become even harder to come by. Staple foods’ prices jumped 25 percent, while a government imposed lockdown caused local food stalls to shut down, making it even more difficult for citizens to get their food. Each day, more people are finding themselves relying on little to no food, and as Covid continues to spread with no end in sight, food shortages and hunger are getting worse.
Tonight, thousands of children will go to bed starving. The good news is that you can prevent this from happening with your generous gift today. Donate today and please pray for the people of South Sudan.