Bishop Calls for Continued Faith to be Ambassadors of Peace
Bishop Eduardo Hiiboro Kussala of the Tombura Yambio Diocese in South Sudan, urged his people last month to stand firm in their faith and pursue peace always, as a foundation to achieve a successful path forward individually and as a nation.
“Our diocese is also known as a region of peace,” said the bishop. “We have conflicts, but the good news is that people turn to God and urge him to take control and address their problems. We leave all difficulties in God’s hands.”
Bishop Kussala reminded that it isn’t sufficient to call oneself a follower of God, but people must change their hearts and minds to act accordingly. “It is not enough to call ourselves Christians or disciples of God or children of God. We must work within ourselves, within our hearts.” He continued, “Only if we continue to act as believers will we be able to solve our problems.”
The bishop expressed his gratitude to God for progress in his diocese. “The Church is moving forward,” he said. “We are grateful to God who, despite the countless challenges in the country, gives us the strength to resist.”
He noted there is a strong interest in religious life among the youth in his diocese, and an increase in the number of young people who want to pursue a vocation in the Church, calling it “a very large and fertile ground.”
Bishop Kussala reiterated how his people’s strength must always derive from faith. “Our true pride and strength is faith,” he shared. “My diocese is a diocese of faith, a people who identify with God, and this gives us the motivation to continue on this path.”
Bishop Kussala is well known for his commitment to pursuing peace talks and campaigning for peace among his nation’s people, tribes, youth, and heads of state. He exhorted, “We must never stop being ambassadors of peace.”